The newest music video, "Watauga"

The next-newest music video, "Curve"

Available wherever music lives online, while supplies last. 

Four releases into 2024 and you'd think he'd be releasing an album of jazz standards, by now, BUT NO! This latest EP rocks with a fury few had suspected. Five big songs. 23 long minutes. Call him obsessed. Call him prolific. But you can't call him in-a-rut. Like the three albums preceding it, Wa-Ta-Oo-Ga is as different from the other three as they are. Different. From each other. Available everywhere while supplies last!. i-Tunes. Spotify. Bandcamp.

"Subhymnal," "Three-Piece Suite" and "Sudden EP"
Won't you rescue these dogs and give them a home? They're waiting for you, wagging their tales, wherever music lives online, while supplies last.